School of Business Short Courses



The School of Business and Economics was established in year 2013 and it graduated its first batch of graduates in 2017. The School has grown from having less than ten (10) academic staff to the current 28 academic staff. Out of these 17 are PhD holders. The School projects this number to increase to more than 35 academic staff by the end of the financial year 2024/2025. Currently, the School has over 2,400 students that are spread over the various academic programmes housed under the two teaching departments, namely; Department of Commerce and Department of Human Resource Management. The School welcomes you to partner with us in teaching, learning, training, research and consultancy activities. Teaching and learning activities ranges from short courses, Certificates, Diplomas, Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes. For those who meet the admission requirements in any of our programmes, we gladly invite you to apply. This document introduces the short courses on offer in the School of Business and Economics.


The School of Business and Economics offers the following listed Short Courses. The courses are open to the listed respective target groups.

Short Courses and Target Groups

S/No.Short Course and Target GroupKey Competencies and SkillsDurationFees (KES)
1Community Engagement in Development
Target Group:
i. Community Leaders
ii. Women Group Leaders
iii. Form Four Leavers
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i. Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of community engagements in development.
ii. Examine contemporary emerging issues in community engagement and development.
iii. Analyze community engagement platforms in development.
iv. Assess theories of community engagement and development.
2 Weeks30,000
2Entrepreneurship Financial Literacy
Target Group:
i. Entrepreneurs operating SMEs
ii. Women Group Leaders
iii. Form Four Leavers
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i. Demonstrate the concept of Entrepreneurship Financial Literacy.
ii. Explore various elements of money management.
iii. Analyze spending decisions in entrepreneurship.
iv. Evaluate the importance of record-keeping in Entrepreneurship Financial Literacy.
2 Weeks30,000
3Public Procurement and Contract Management
Target Group:
i. County and National Government Officials
ii. Procurement Officers and Specialists
iii. Finance and Budget Officers
iv. Legal Advisors
v. Project Managers
vi. Internal Auditors
vii. Heads of Departments
viii. Ethics and Compliance Officers
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i. Understand the legal and regulatory framework of public procurement.
ii. Develop and implement effective procurement strategies.
iii. Conduct transparent and efficient tendering and bid evaluation processes.
iv. Manage contracts effectively, ensuring compliance and performance.
v. Uphold ethical standards and accountability in procurement activities.
vi. Utilize technology to enhance procurement processes.
vii. Apply best practices and innovations in public procurement and contract management.
5 Days20,000
4Transformational Leadership and Service Delivery
Target Group:
i. Elected County Officials
ii. Senior Managers and Administrators
iii. Mid-Level Managers
iv. Community Leaders and Stakeholders
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i. Demonstrate enhanced leadership capabilities tailored to county governance.
ii. Apply innovative strategies to improve public service delivery.
iii. Foster effective community engagement and collaboration.
iv. Utilize strategic planning for sustainable development.
v. Implement accountability and transparency measures to enhance governance.
5 Days20,000
5Business Planning
Target Group:
i. Existing and Aspiring Entrepreneurs
ii. Youth Entrepreneurs
iii. Women Entrepreneurs
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i. Demonstrate an understanding of business planning.
ii. Describe the components of a business plan.
iii. Carry out a feasibility study.
iv. Develop a business plan.
5 Days20,000
6Entrepreneurship Skills
Target Group:
i. Existing and Aspiring
ii. Youth Entrepreneurs
iii. Women Entrepreneurs
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals,concepts and processes of entrepreneurship.
ii.Demonstrate understanding of the entrepreneurial perspective
iii.Develop the skills required for entrepreneurship
iv.Present creative and innovative ideas in a business of choice
v. Demonstrate attitudes and values required in self- employment
5 Days20,000

Performance Management

Target Group:
i. Managers
ii. Supervisors
iii.Team Leaders
iv.Human resource Professionals and
v.Employees in any field

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i.Demonstrate an understanding of organizational vision, mission and goals (PMS).
ii.Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship in the components of PMS
iii.Design an effective PMS
iv.Implement and manage an effective PMS.
5 Days20,000
8Value Chain Analysis In Entrepreneurship
Target Group:
i.Youths in Business.
ii.Women and Men in Business.
iii.Existing and Aspiring Entrepreneurs.
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
i.Demonstrate the understanding Value chain
ii.Describe the Value Chain Approaches.
iii.Interpret the various Concepts/Component s of value Chain
iv.Demonstrate an Understanding of Value Chain application
v.Application of value chain analysis in the informal sector
5 Days20,000


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