MUT-Students Council

Murang'a University Student Council

Welcome To Murang’a University of Technology Student Organization 

Welcome to the official webpage of the Murang’a University Current Student Council! As the elected representatives of the student body, we are dedicated to serving and advocating for the interests of our fellow students. This webpage serves as a platform to keep you informed about our initiatives, events, and opportunities for engagement. We encourage you to explore and stay connected with us as we work together to enhance the student experience at Murang’a University.

About Us:

The Murang’a University Current Student Council is composed of passionate and committed student leaders who strive to make a positive impact on campus. Elected by their peers, council members represent the diverse voices and interests of the student body. Our mission is………………………………………………

Council Members:

Meet the dedicated individuals who serve on the Murang’a University Current Student Council. From the President to the various executive and representative positions, our council members are here to listen to your concerns, advocate for your needs, and work collaboratively to address issues affecting student life.

Vision and Goals:

Our vision is to ……. To achieve this vision, we have outlined specific goals and priorities that guide our work throughout the academic year. From enhancing student services to organizing engaging events and promoting student well-being, we are committed to making tangible improvements that benefit the entire student community.

Get Involved:

Want to make a difference on campus? Get involved with the Murang’a University Current Student Council! Whether you’re interested in running for a position, volunteering for an event, or simply sharing your ideas and feedback, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute and be part of the student council’s efforts. Stay tuned for upcoming events, meetings, and initiatives where you can make your voice heard and make a positive impact.

Contact Us:

Have questions, suggestions, or concerns? We’re here to help! Reach out to the Murang’a University Current Student Council via


social media

Our office on campus.

We value your input and are always eager to hear from our fellow students.

Murang'a University Student Council Current Leadership








Accommodation Catering and Gender Minority-MUTSO


Finance Minister-MUTSO


Sports & Entertainment Minister-MUTSO


Academics Minister-MUTSO
MUTSO 2022-2023 Students Leadership
MUTSO 2023-2024 Students Leadership

Davies Kemboi:-MUTSO-president

Ndua Sharon :-Vice-president

Wilson Mwenda:-Finance Minister

Thomas kazungu kenga :-sports and Entertainment minister

Obadiah Tamah:-Secretary General

Julian Mwango:- Accommodation Catering and Gender Minority

Claire Samantha:-Academics Minister

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