DVC Academic, Research & Student Affairs

DVC (Academic,Research & Student Affairs)

Prof. Prisca J. Tuitoek, Phd

Prof. Prisca J. Tuitoek is a Professor of Human Nutrition. She was the Deputy Principal,  Academics Research and Linkages, Machakos University College and Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics and Student Affairs, Machakos University. Currently she is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Research and Student’s Affairs Murang’a University of Technology. Formery she worked at Egerton University as Director, Directorate of Quality Assurance and Chair of Department, Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics (Currently Department of Human Nutrition).

Deputy Vice-Chancellor's Message

 Academics, Research & Student Affairs

Hello and welcome to Murang’a University of Technology Academic Division. The core business of Murang’a University of Technology is to provide high quality teaching, training and excellent research outcomes useful to humanity. Our vision is to be a leading University of choice that promotes excellence in learning and service delivery. In extrapolating this vision, one of the guiding principles of the institution is to provide world-class education in an atmosphere of academic freedom, civility, social responsiveness, integrity and accountability.

In this respect, the University  endeavors to develop leaders and professionals through teaching, training, consultancy, research and innovation for socioeconomic development. As a full fledged University, we seek to collaborate with like-minded institutions and organizations, in producing world class graduates that will contribute in addressing development challenges that confront the global world.

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