Mut talk-Exploring Black Women’s Rights Leadership and Power Dynamics

Murang'a University of Technology Hosts Talk on Black Women's Rights Leadership and Circularities of Power

Empowering Voices

On February 6th, 2024, Murang’a University of Technology through the Department of Humanities, proudly hosted a thought-provoking talk centered on the theme of Black women’s rights leadership and circularities of power. The event brought together esteemed speakers and scholars who provided invaluable insights into this important topic.

Prof. Carole Boyce Davies, hailing from Cornell University, USA, graced the event with her profound expertise. As a distinguished Professor of Humane Letters and Africana Studies at Cornell University, Prof. Boyce Davies has been at the forefront of research and advocacy in the field of Black women’s rights. Her contributions to academia and literature have significantly enriched our understanding of the intersectionality of gender, race, and power dynamics.

Joining Prof. Boyce Davies was Prof. Mukoma Wa Ngugi, also from Cornell University, USA. Prof. Ngugi, an accomplished author and Associate Professor of Literature in English, brought a unique perspective to the discussion. His work, including “The Rise of the African Novel: Politics of Language,” has shed light on the complexities of power structures and linguistic representation in African literature.

Dr. John Ndavula, Chair of the Department of Humanities at Murang’a University, added a local dimension to the discourse. As a respected academic and advocate for social justice.

The event served as a platform for robust discussions, critical reflections, and the exchange of ideas aimed at advancing the cause of Black women’s rights and empowerment. Murang’a University of Technology is honored to have hosted such distinguished speakers and looks forward to continuing the dialogue on issues of social justice and equality.

Stay tuned for future events and initiatives as we strive to create an inclusive and equitable society for all.

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